Hoof care is critical when it comes to maintaining the overall health of your horse. One of the most frequently asked questions I hear from other equestrians is whether their horse actually needs shoes. This depends and is not always a cut and dry answer. Not all horses require shoes […]
Horse Health
How To Dispose Of A Dead Horse: Everything You Need To Know
Disposing of a deceased horse is not something that crosses most horse owner’s mind until the moment happens. As a horse owner myself, I can tell you that dealing with your beloved horse after they die is an emotional and stressful time. Not only have you just lost an animal […]
40 Healthy Fruits And Vegetables That Horses Crave
What is it about pets that make them irresistible when it comes to treats? I’m pretty sure it has something to do with big, pouty eyes and a cute face. Every time I walk past the pasture and my horse has his head hanging over the fence, I feel the […]
Fly Masks For Horses: Do They Need Them
Where there are horses, there are flies. I hate seeing these biting insects swarming around my horse’s face, especially at the corners of his eyes. This has to be annoying and even uncomfortable at times. Wanting to help ease his discomfort, I retrieved his fly mask and suddenly thought […]
Should Horses Be Blanketed In The Winter
As the weather turns colder, I see my horse seeking out morning sun spots more frequently. Obviously, standing in the warm sun rays feels good but as winter approaches should I start blanketing him to help keep him warm? There is much to be said and many opinions on […]
Is It Bad For Horses To Walk On Pavement
You wouldn’t think twice about taking a ride on your horse in wide open pastures, dirt arenas or mountain trails. But what about on hard asphalt or concrete? I wanted to ride my horse on a paved trail but I’ve heard it’s not good for them. I decided to […]